Conshohocken Borough


Conshohocken Nondiscrimination Ordinance

Human Relations Ordinance §§ 6-701–710

Adopted: April 21, 2011



Conshohocken Borough Council unanimously passed a nondiscrimination ordinance with a 6 – 0 vote in favor (Council member Edward Phipps was absent). Mayor Robert Frost affirmed the measure. Following the adoption of the Lower Merion ordinance, Rep. Mike Gerber sent a letter to the Conshohocken Borough Council asking they do the same – and they did so within six months.

A frivolous lawsuit was brought against the ordinance by Jim Schneller of the American Family Association of PA’s off-shoot group, the Philadelphia Metro Task Force. The Common Pleas judge rightfully and immediately threw out the lawsuit as it failed to provide merit or standing for the group.

In the News

Conshohocken council passes human relations ordinance
King of Prussia Courier (April 22, 2011)

Conshohocken Council Passes Human Relations Ordinance
Amplify Your Voice (April 24, 2011)

Judge dismisses lawsuit against Conshohocken’s human relations ordinance
The Journal Register (March 26, 2012)

Conshohocken to sue man for legal fees incurred in Human Relations Ordinance battle
The Journal Register (September 26, 2012)

Conshohocken Human Relations Commission